About Me

I am currently a postdotoral researcher at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, working with Prof Andy Taylor, Alkistis Pourtsidou and Alex Hall.

I completed my PhD titled “Tomographic Coupled Dark Energy with Euclid” at CEA Paris-Saclay, France, under the supervision of Dr Valeria Pettorino and Dr Martin Kilbinger, where I studied modified LCDM models, specifically coupled quintessence models, by investigating their potential to alleviate tensions in cosmology.

I am part of the Euclid Consortium and am contributing as a developer of the Euclid likelihood code CLOE, as well as adapting its pipeline to include the capability of constraining LCDM model extensions.

On another hand, I am also part of the Ultraviolet Near-Infrared Optical Northern Survey (UNIONS) collaboration, where I also work with Dr Martin Kilbinger to look at cosmic shear systematics in CFIS/UNIONS, with the ultimate aim of developing a likelihood analysis pipeline to conduct cosmological parameter estimation with UNIONS cosmic shear and 3x2pt data.

Prior to my PhD, I obtained my Master’s degree in Astrophysics at University College London, completing my thesis Exploring the Cosmological Likelihood of Large Scale Structure as Seen by Euclid under Prof Benjamin Joachimi, and obtained my bachelor’s degree in Physics at the National University of Singapore.

I hail from the sunny island of Singapore, where it is summer all year round (hence an easy way to find out which office I’m in is to look for the one with the heating turned up the highest ^^’). When I’m not running MCMC chains or solving Boltzmann equations, you can find me with my nose in a book, or at kendo trainings!